Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning´s end...

Once upon a time, a young girl moved to the great metropolis known as New York City. She moved with the motivation to change the world and add a dash of glamour to her life. She had seen all the shows about finding the perfect job, love, and, as a young girl in her early 20's, decided New York was the place to be.
Cut to 4 months later. This same girl is me, an anonymous New York City girl. I would not have even imagined that I would have as many stories as I ended up having, all in the small span of four months. 
When you move to a new place you have all this ideas and dreams on how to live your life.
You have this dream about this beautiful apartment on 6th Avenue. This amazing job at the most prestigious PR company in NYC. Two dogs... well, maybe not, but that is something I would want one day...
Anyway, the thing is that when you get off the plane at JFK and you get on the cab towards the city, you feel closer to your dreams. I can not explain the feeling... excited, nervous, happy, scared... 
As I was closer to my great apartment that I found on craiglist (you heard right) I got a weird feeling. I mean... who pays upfront two months without event seeing it just because they guy on the phone sounded nice? I figured that I was over reacting and there was nothing I could do at that point. I finally arrived to my apartment on 14th St and 7th avenue. I look at the door of the building and I turn around to the driver as he was taking care of my luggage. "Are you sure...?" He did not eve let me finished my sentence when he said "405 West 14th st, here, here!"
There I am, staring at the door of the building which by the way it looks way nicer on google earth. My adventure was about to begin. Tomorrow would be my first day at THE CITY.